Monday, June 29, 2009


Hi all... Comes another Monday at work...

People got together gossipping about last week's andeavour... I got in from a week's paid vacation.. ha ha ha.. mistake on the other part, called me to a meeting I can't a part of.. haha.. so I stayed over in KL with meals and hotel room paid by the organizers.. cool... apart of the spliting headache or migrain I had last Wednesday that is..

I walked into the office today, people greated me as if they haven't seen me in ages.. he he.. Loved it... people tend to ignore me at the old place... hah.. let's just forget about the past.. they were the ones with the envy problems, not me... so...

I told a good friend of mine about the whole episode I had with the guy/gal last week.. and she said... just ignore him/her... he/she just want to annoy you.. well he/she did...

This guy/gal called me his/her best friend... Is it because he/she always go Dutch everytime it comes to pay for meals, which, he/she invite me to... P_ _ _ I_ T_ _ A _ _ right?... He/She always say, he/she doesn't have any money... his/her spouse holds his/her ATM card and he/she can't withdraw any money from the bank???? Can't even afford a RM5 meal? HEllllooooo... Do I look like a philanthropist... did I spell this right?? ha ha ha... I'm broke too you know!!!.. And he/she booked a MERCEDEZ... OMG... Maybe he/she had a bunch of people pay for his/her meals that he/she made enough to do so.... ha ha ha... !!!