Sunday, December 13, 2009

Just a Waste of Time...

Salam and hi all...

Well, as some of you know now is crunch time, we have to finish marking exam papers, update the teaching file and post students' marks on the post boards...

Then suddenly, we, the selected few have to finish and prepare for a Creative and Innovative Group presentation for the royal highnest. Ironically, the royal highnest can't have our audience because he has to attend another meeting with the officers for faaaarrrr morrreeeeee important business....

Marking exam papers and updating teaching are merely a small business and our time is not that vital?????? We spent and yet a week for the stupid thing and nothing!!!!....


I'm going to say ta ta and are voir to this institution to further my studies for four years and I wish, as I return to this place, the reign will change and the royal will be more thoughtful and mindful of his/her subjects....