Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Whiny... whiner...

"I miss my friend.. You have been too busy that we hardly spend time together lately"... So sweet isn't it?... A friend longing for another friend's attention... So sweet... Why did this other friend ignore this other friend you ask? Let me tell you...

He/she sent me this text message at 1.39 am and I can't get back to sleep until it's 6.30am... Professional? I don't think so! Appropriate? Hardly!... For me this is just an act of a desperate person, aching for attention. He/she is just an office mate, a colleague... why the message in the morning? He/she must be demented...

I have friends too... I have colleagues as well... but I don't go around text messaging them in the middle of the night.. It is higly inappropriate! People are sleeping at that hour!!!! Didn't he/she get it???? You can whine about work... but it has to at the right possible time and appropriate place... I hate it when people wake me up in the middle of the night and whiiiiinnnnneeeeee..... UUUuuuuurrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!...

He/she is not even my special someone!!! People make exceptions for their special ones right... but we're just colleagues... Laahaulawala... OMG... Get over it already...