Thursday, June 11, 2009

Air Conditioned Office???? Really??

This is the fourth day since my office's air conditioning system breakdown... No air circulation... No fan... Since when the department change the upstairs office into a sauna? OMG... people just swiped in and went missing the whole day until it is time to go home... he he he... whose fault is it? Is it because nobody compalined about it? Somebody did days ago.... Is it because there are no resources to repair the air conditioning system... I can't say there is... Are the technicians lazy? Who knows right???

What ever it is... The Mighty Stingy should be aware about this matter... This situation is making all of his staff uncomfortable and most of them split as soon as they swiped in... Does he not care about all of us? Are we just pawns and he'll just use us when he needs us. This is too much!!! As a leader he must be alert about our welfare.. Mr Stingy... TAKE NOTE AND TAKE ACTION!!! He he... Is it too much to ask?