Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Do You Always Want to Annoy me???

Hi all...
Just recently a new list of "tugas sampingan" was relased and now I am officially responsible as the Sheriff of the Department (ha ha ha...), an Entrepreneurship Assistant Coordinator and a member in the Quality Development Team...

What dawned on me was, I don't really know, on what ground they select me as the Sheriff.. hu uhuk... I am not that mean, I don't really care about the students' garment as long as they "tutup aurat", I am a leisse fair kinda person, and I don't really mind if they come late to class (I just put ABSENT on the attendance sheet)... Why make an easy life difficult right?

Well... I accept this title with open arms, but this person came up to me and start making fun of it... It is bad enough that I have to face this job, but having somebody rubbing it to my face is another matter... It was fun and sweet at first, but things DO GET OLD and he/she started to annoy me... OMG... Stop already...

He/she said... " Hey! your the discipline officer and you have to move to the Student's Affair room..." Me, being "funned out"... I said softly to him/her.. "I am sitting in a perfectly wide, many empty desks and lots of friends, why should I move to a crowded room with no space to move?... He/she shut up... wa ka ka... Just leave me alone will you... Why do always annoy me??? Subhanallah...