Thursday, September 29, 2011

essential tool for book lovers :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Time Base (13 years of working period)

Everybody's waiting for the promotion results this month.... and suddenly, "they" are proposing that those who have worked in the entity for 13 years or more will be promoted first by "time-based" system...

What about the people who work their "b@tts" out and went through the GRUELING interview? Aren't they going to be considered to be promoted as well? Why change the policy every year? The first year, they say they want to promote the "oldies"... The next year, they still want to promote the "oldies" as well, and they say, "you guys are still young, pity the seniors who have been working for more than in this entity"... Ok fine... and last year, when it is our turn, they manage to come up with all sorts of "rubbish" and they say it is to really filter the ones who really do their job well... fine.. We endure the process... And now, when we're suppose to get the result of the promotion, they propose another increment/promotion scheme!!!.. Talk about munafik!!!

They helped their "friend" to get the perks and disregard us who really do the work for them. Yes, they are seniors, but, don't you see that their "butt" prints on the chair? They are deep I tell you!!! We did all their work that you hardly see us sitting at our table. We didn't go shopping when there's Jusco Card Day!!! Despicable souls!!!

Korang jawablah nanti di akhirat!!!